1.impreza była w poniedziałek rano. 2.impreza była w domu franka. 3.było tam kilku nauczycieli z naszej szkoły. 4.mojego kolegi tam nie było. 5.oni byli zdenerwowani.
Witaj :) 1. The party /meeting, ceremony / was /was held / on Monday morning. 2. The party was /took place / in /at/ Frank's house. 3. There were several / some / teachers from my school. 4. My school mate was not there. 5. They were nervous /excited, irritated /.
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1. The party /meeting, ceremony / was /was held / on Monday morning.
2. The party was /took place / in /at/ Frank's house.
3. There were several / some / teachers from my school.
4. My school mate was not there.
5. They were nervous /excited, irritated /.
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