1.i (watch) football match between napoli vs juventus (+) (-) (?) 2. chopper and brook (eat) a chocolate (+) (-) (?) 3.usop (speak) english well in the clasa (+) (-) (?)
buatlah kalimat menggunakan simple present into positif negativ and introgrative
Verified answer
1. + I watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus.
- I do not watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus.
? Do I watch football match between Napoli vs Juventus?
2. + Chopper and Brook eat a chocolate.
- Chopper and Brook do not eat a chocolate.
? Do Chopper and Brook eat a chocolate?
3. + Usop speaks English well in the class.
- Usop does not speak English well in the class.
? Does Usop speak English well in the class?