August 2018 1 27 Report
1.Funkcje korzeni

2.Pan X i Pan Y, hodują te same odmiany pomidorów zapewniając im jednakowe warunki rozwoju. pana X pomidory są bardzo wysokie z jednym pędem głównym pozbawionym odgałęzień bocznych. U pana Y pomidory są niskie, za to silnie rozkrzewione. Wyjaśnij, dlaczego pomidory działkowicza X nie rozwinęły pędów bocznych?

3.Przystosowanie liśći do fotosyntezy.

4.Opisz mechanizm krążenia wody z gleby do korzenia (osmoza)

5.O jakim rodzaju zapylenia mówi to zdanie: Kwiat wytwarza sypki i lekki pyłek.

6.Uczniowie hodowali fasolę w dwóch doniczkach.Doniczka A stała przy oknie, a B w ciemnym miejscu.Po jakimś czasie fasola z doniczki B zaczęła kierować się w stronę światła.Dlaczego Fasola B zaczęła kierować się w stronę słońca?

7. Opisz po dwie cechy gametofitu

Dam 'naj' :)
Z góry dzięki.
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Trzeba było napisać coś w postaci krótkiego wywiadu oraz zrobić z tego mini opowiadanie. proszę o sprawdzenie błędów i ewentualne dopowiedzenie czegoś od siebie. Q: Where did you live? A: I live in village near Cracow. Q: Do you have sibling? A: Yes, two brothers. Q: Are they older or younger? A: Both, older Q: Have you ever moved to another house? A: Yes, I think I was 8 then. Q: What were your parents do? A: they were farmers. Q: Did you help them? A: Yes, of course I sometimes must got up really early and hardly ever at night. Q: Did you have hobby? A: Animals, I always love them Q: Did you have your favourite animal? A: Yes, cats. When I was young I have one gray cat with big blue eyes. Q: Did you have a lot of friends? A: No, just some. My aunt name is Zofia. She was born in poland in 1952 near Cracow but she didn’t lived there. She lived in a small village. She have two older brothers. She shared room with one brother for about 10 years but later, after removal when she was 8 ,she had her own room. Her parents were farmers. I think her childhood was really hard because she had to help her parents, sometimes at night or early morning. She was quite good pupil, she didn’t have time to study.Her hobby was taking care of animals. Her favourite was cat, always. She told me, now she likes cats too. She already have two. She didn’t have lot of friends but she remember only her best friends. They lived near her house so they met really often. Her family had one of first colour tv. She remember, some people met with her brothers to watch, games and tv shows. She always got up early but now it’s much harder than many years ago. When she was really young, she didn’t know what she will do in future but she knew one thing, she won’t take her parent’s job.

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