1.Byłeś na koncercie znanej formacji muzycznej. W liście do kolegi,opisz:zespół, który występował,typ muzyki granej podczas koncertu,swoje wrażenia po koncercie.(60-120 słów) 2.Odwiedziłeś ciekawe miejsce. W e-mailu do kolegi napisz:jak tam się dostałeś, jak to miejsce wyglądało, co ci się najbardziej podobało lub nie.(około 60 słów) 3.Napisz do kolegi list, w którym przeprosisz go, za to, że nie przybędziesz na jego imprezę urodzinową.(około 60 słów) Prace mogą być na poziomie gimnazjum. Daję naj!
At the weekend I was on a gig with my sister. The band which played on the concert was Paramore. They played indie-rock music.The gig was amazing, I very liked this band more than I like. I don't suprised that they make a impression that they did. So I'm very very happy that I could see my favourite music group and even my sister liked this kind of music, whereas she always tells me that "how can I hear this music?" I heard that you were on the concert of My chemichal romance. What are your impressions about this gig ? Please , talk me about this in the next letter.
Hi Suzie!
At the weekend I was on a gig with my sister. The band which played on the concert was Paramore. They played indie-rock music.The gig was amazing, I very liked this band more than I like. I don't suprised that they make a impression that they did. So I'm very very happy that I could see my favourite music group and even my sister liked this kind of music, whereas she always tells me that "how can I hear this music?" I heard that you were on the concert of My chemichal romance. What are your impressions about this gig ? Please , talk me about this in the next letter.
Good luck, Kisses.
Bye, bye.