Sumber hukum (staatsfundamentalnorm) adalah sumber yang dijadikan bahan untuk penyusunan peraturan perundang-undangan, baik berupa sumber hukum tertulis maupun tidak tertulis. Ketetapan MPR No.V/MPR/1973 dan Ketetapan MPR No.IX/MPR/1978 yang menegaskan kedudukan Pancasila sebagai sumber dari segala sumber hukum atau sumber dari tertib hukum di Indonesia.
Dengan ditetapkannya Pancasila sebagai sumber hukum maka semua pembentukan hukum, penerapan, dan pelaksanannya tidak dapat dilepaskan dari nilai-nilai Pancasila. Hal ini menyebabkan setiap perundang-undangan harus berdasarkan Pancasila. Hal ini diwajibkan agar setiap pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan berperan untuk mencapai nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Pancasila.
Namun dengan penempatan Pancasila sebagai sumber hukum berarti menempatkannya di atas Undang-undang Dasar. Jika demikian, Pancasila tidak termasuk dalam pengertian konstitusi, karena berada di atas konstitusi.
Sources of law (staatsfundamentalnorm) is used as source material for the preparation of legislation, whether it be a source of written and unwritten laws. MPR Decree No.V / MPR / 1973 and Decree No.IX / MPR / 1978, which confirms the position of Pancasila as the source of all sources of law or the source of the rule of law in Indonesia.
With the enactment of Pancasila as a source of law, all legal establishment, implementation, and its implementation can not be separated from the values of Pancasila. This causes any legislation must be based on Pancasila. It is required that every establishment act of legislation to achieve the values of Pancasila.
However, with the placement of Pancasila as a source of law means placing it on the Constitution. If so, Pancasila is not included within the meaning of the Constitution, because it is above the constitution.
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1.pancasila as a source of law sources of law (staatsfundamentalnorm) is used as source material for the preparation of legislation,whether it bea source of written and unwritten laws,MPR decree no.V/MPR/1973 and decree no IX/MPR 1078 which confirms the postion of pancasila as the source of the rule of law in indonesia
with the anactment of pancasila as a source of law,all legal establishment,implementation,and its implemen tation can not be separeted from the values of pancasila,this causes any legislation must be based on is required that every establishment act of legislation to achieve the values of pancasila
Sources of law (staatsfundamentalnorm) is used as source material for the preparation of legislation, whether it be a source of written and unwritten laws. MPR Decree No.V / MPR / 1973 and Decree No.IX / MPR / 1978, which confirms the position of Pancasila as the source of all sources of law or the source of the rule of law in Indonesia.
With the enactment of Pancasila as a source of law, all legal establishment, implementation, and its implementation can not be separated from the values of Pancasila. This causes any legislation must be based on Pancasila. It is required that every establishment act of legislation to achieve the values of Pancasila.
However, with the placement of Pancasila as a source of law means placing it on the Constitution. If so, Pancasila is not included within the meaning of the Constitution, because it is above the constitution.
sources of law (staatsfundamentalnorm) is used as source material for the preparation of legislation,whether it bea source of written and unwritten laws,MPR decree no.V/MPR/1973 and decree no IX/MPR 1078 which confirms the postion of pancasila as the source of the rule of law in indonesia
with the anactment of pancasila as a source of law,all legal establishment,implementation,and its implemen tation can not be separeted from the values of pancasila,this causes any legislation must be based on is required that every establishment
act of legislation to achieve the values of pancasila