5/17 new english zone
przeczytaj opisy i napisz nazwy związane z transportem. użyj wyrazów z ćw.4.
w czwartym są
places types of transport
station train
stop bus
airport airport
rank taxi
1.This train travels below the ground. ....
2.You have to pay to use this car. .....
3.you go here to catch a bus. ....
4.People often use this to travel to other countries. ....
5.This is where you go to catch plane.
uzupełnij zdania wstawiając czasowniki z ramki w formie czasu past simple.
get on/take/start/meet/go
1.I ... a friend in the park.
2.But then it ... to rain.
3.I ... the bus.
4.But it was the wrong bus! It ... to centre of town.
5.I ... a taxi home.
Odpowiedz na pytania o swojej podróży autobusem, pociągiem lub tramwajem.
1.What type of transport do you take?
2.Where do you get on?
3.Where do you get off?
4.How long does the trip take?
5.How often do you make the trip?
6.How much do you pay for you ticket ?
moze być o autobusie
daje najj ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. ja bym dała subway
2. taxi
3. bus stop
4. train
5. airport
1. met
2. started
3. got on
4. went
5. took