16.Answer the questions based on the text. a. The subject of the first sentence in the first paragraph is ___. b. The topic of the first paragraph is ___. c. The first sentence of the second paragraph is about ___ and the rest of the sentence is about ___. d. The third paragraph is about ___. e. The fourth paragraph is about ___. f. The fifth paragraph is about ___. g. The new information provided by the fifth paragraph is ___. h. From the last paragraph, what can we infer about landslide-generated tsunamis?
17.Identify the topic sentences. a. Write down the topic sentences of paragraphs 1 to 5 in the Tsunami text. b. Write down one supporting sentence for each topic sentence in the Tsunami text.
16. a. A tsunami
b. tsunami
c. the causes of tsunamis, and the rest of the sentence is about how a tsunami moves.
d-e-f-g-h tdk ada fotonya
17. a. (1) A tsunami is one of the most powerful and destructive natural forces.
(2) Most tsunamis are generated by earthquakes on adjoining tectonic plate boundaries.
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