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Hi ABC! how are you? I hope you're doing well. I was on my holidays with my parents at the seaside in Gdańsk. We had wonderful time. Every day we went to the beach. The weather was great. I also had an exciting situation, I saw the lifeguards in action! Can you believe that? I saw them rescuing a drowning man. It was amazing! How was your holiday? Greetings to your parents! Love XYZ
how are you? I hope you're doing well. I was on my holidays with my parents at the seaside in Gdańsk. We had wonderful time. Every day we went to the beach. The weather was great. I also had an exciting situation, I saw the lifeguards in action! Can you believe that? I saw them rescuing a drowning man. It was amazing!
How was your holiday? Greetings to your parents!