Kolega/ Koleżanka z Wielkiej Brytani wspomniał / wspomniała ci , że zle się czuje z powodu przemeczenia i spadku kondycji. napisz do niego / niej list, a w nim: - wyraź żal z powodu kolegi/ koleżanki kłopotów i przekonanie ze mozan to zmienić. - wspomnij że ty rowniez miałas podobny problem i jaki był jego powód - podaj dwie rady dotyczące zdrowego stulu zycia które stały się pomocne w twojej sytuacji. - zachęc kolegę/ kolezankę by dbał/ dbała o siebie i wyraź nadzieje ze wkrótce poczuje sie lepiej.
Wypowiedź od 120/150 słów, proszę o inne dialogi niż te, które znajdują się na stronie, z góry dziękuje za pomoc.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Juliet,
I feel sorry for the situation you have found yourself in. Don't worry too much about your state! I'm sure that soon you will get better. Nowadays, it's not as easy to live without tiredness and bad condition as it used to. People drive fast live what is not good for their health. Fortunately, in every situation there is always a proper solution.
I know what it feels like to be tired every day, after school or work. You come back home being sure that your world is going to crash. I'm convinced you're wondering now where I know those feelings from. Well, you should know that I have experienced similar health problems. It was caused by my bad habits. I came back home from university after 5 pm and thought that I would not be able to survive the following hours. Can you imagine what the reason was? I used to fell asleep about 2 am then so I had never been able to feel relax after coming back from the lectures! I've decided to change my lifestyle. Now I fall asleep at midnight, at the latest! What's more, I do exercises every single day. Once a week, I go to fitness classes what make me feel as a newborn. I recommend these options to you. I'm sure it will help you!
I hope you will feel better soon.
Take care,