Los pronombres sustituidos en el texto son:
a) Give this book to my wife⇒ Give it to her
it → this book
my wife→ her
b) Bring this cake to your friends ⇒ Bring it to them
This cake → it
your friends→ them
c) Open these windows and look at Peter ⇒ Open them and look at him
These windows → them
Peter→ him
d) This is for you and me ⇒ This is for us
You and me → us
e) Talk to your parents about your girlfriend ⇒ Talk to them about her
your parents → them
your girlfriend→ her
Nota: se debe reemplazar cada sujeto por object pronouns.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Los pronombres sustituidos en el texto son:
a) Give this book to my wife⇒ Give it to her
it → this book
my wife→ her
b) Bring this cake to your friends ⇒ Bring it to them
This cake → it
your friends→ them
c) Open these windows and look at Peter ⇒ Open them and look at him
These windows → them
Peter→ him
d) This is for you and me ⇒ This is for us
You and me → us
e) Talk to your parents about your girlfriend ⇒ Talk to them about her
your parents → them
your girlfriend→ her
Nota: se debe reemplazar cada sujeto por object pronouns.