A. Choose one of the topics given below and write a paragraph (+/- 100 words) about it: 1. What do teenagers and their parents disagree about? 2. Advantages and disadvantage of living on your own. 3. Why do some young people decide to leave home and live on their own? 4. Parents today are overprotective, Do you agree?
When childrengrow upin one momentcanturn intoapleasantandobligingconsolationsinunpleasant,rebelliousteenagers.Most peopleat that agegoing through a periodof rebellion, which iscompletely natural.However, it isto figure out whatto do tothe situation is notout of control, andthat parentsandotherauthoritysupport fortheirgrowing children.
mitigatingconflict The first ruleis afailure to seethe relationship between therebelliousteenagersandtheir parentsto an openconflict.It often happensthat childrenin different situationsthey want tofight for theirautonomy.When a parentdoes not allowfor a latereturnfrom a partydressora braveteenagerbegins toemphasizethat hissentenceis valid andothers haveadaptedto it.What is important ishowthis can be done-talking,screamingorsilentand doingeverythingagainst thebans.
Most important is thetrade-off A number ofprohibitionsand obligationsis not a goodway.To be able toget along withyour child, you shouldincludea lot ofcompromisesthat will helpin maintaininga good relationship.Whenrebelliousteenagerswant togo to a partyand come back laterthan usual, you shouldgive them a chance, butnotedthat a parentwill pick it upfrom the placeprywatkiin perfect condition.If your childwill usethis opportunity andwill not disappointthe expectations ofparents,small stepstoincrease thefieldof freedom- ifteenswillmeetwiththe word.If thedressdoes not match therebelliousteenparentsshould be allowed toexpress themselves, but under thecondition thatthe schoolwill belessextravagantdress.
When childrengrow upin one momentcanturn intoapleasantandobligingconsolationsinunpleasant,rebelliousteenagers.Most peopleat that agegoing through a periodof rebellion, which iscompletely natural.However, it isto figure out whatto do tothe situation is notout of control, andthat parentsandotherauthoritysupport fortheirgrowing children.
The first ruleis afailure to seethe relationship between therebelliousteenagersandtheir parentsto an openconflict.It often happensthat childrenin different situationsthey want tofight for theirautonomy.When a parentdoes not allowfor a latereturnfrom a partydressora braveteenagerbegins toemphasizethat hissentenceis valid andothers haveadaptedto it.What is important ishowthis can be done-talking,screamingorsilentand doingeverythingagainst thebans.
Most important is thetrade-off
A number ofprohibitionsand obligationsis not a goodway.To be able toget along withyour child, you shouldincludea lot ofcompromisesthat will helpin maintaininga good relationship.Whenrebelliousteenagerswant togo to a partyand come back laterthan usual, you shouldgive them a chance, butnotedthat a parentwill pick it upfrom the placeprywatkiin perfect condition.If your childwill usethis opportunity andwill not disappointthe expectations ofparents,small stepstoincrease thefieldof freedom- ifteenswillmeetwiththe word.If thedressdoes not match therebelliousteenparentsshould be allowed toexpress themselves, but under thecondition thatthe schoolwill belessextravagantdress.