10 zdan po angielsku o swoim miescie: 1.W moim miescie jest kino, ale nie ma teatru. 2.Jest wiele silowni oraz basen. 3.Mieszcza sie tu 2 szpitale oraz liczne przychodnie lekarskie. 4.Znajduje sie tu muzeum kropli wody. 5. w moim miescie mozna zatrzymac sie na dluzej poniewaz sa tu liczne hotele. 6. Sa tu restauracje. 6. Mieszcza sie kliczne parki. i juz nie mam pomyslu wiec o ile to mozliwe cokolwiek byleby 10.
1. In my town there is a cinema, but there isn't a theatre. 2. there are a lot of gyms and one swimming pool. 3. there are two hospitals and a lot of clinics. 4. there is a museum "water drop" 5. In my town it's possible to stay longer, because there are many hotels. 6. there are a restaurants. 7. there are many parks. 8. In my town there is a great park. 9. there is a lot of green everywhere. 10. I like my town, because there are a lot of shops.
1. In my town there is a cinema, but there isn't a theatre. 2. there are a lot of gyms and one swimming pool. 3. there are two hospitals and a lot of clinics. 4. there is a museum "water drop" 5. In my town it's possible to stay longer, because there are many hotels. 6. there are a restaurants. 7. there are many parks. 8. In my town there is a great park. 9. there is a lot of green everywhere. 10. I like my town, because there are a lot of shops.