10 zdań do przetłumaczenia na angielski. Tylko nie translatorem proszę !.
1.Gdybyśmy we wtorek odebrali nasze pieniądze to zapłacilibyśmy rachunki. 2. Jeśli wypełnisz tę ankietę to prześle twe dane do organizatora. 3. Gdybym miał samochód to nie musiałbym czekać codziennie na autobus. 4. Gdybym nigdy nie przeprowadził się do Londynu nie spotkałbym Ciebie. 5. Gdybyś nie jechał tak szybko nie rozbił byś się na drzewie. 6. Gdybym nie miała temperatury nie poszłabym do lekarza. 7. Gdybym czuła się lepiej poszłabym do kina. 8. Jeśli zgubisz pieniądze zawsze dzwoń na policję. 9. Jeśli spotkasz Billa nie mów mu, że go Kocham. 10. Gdybym mieszkał w wielkim domu to bym miał 4 psy
1. If on Tuesday we got our money back we would pay it accounts. 2. If you fill this questionnaire form in will transmit your data to the organiser. 3. If a car had it I would not have to wait every day for the bus. 4. If I never moved to London I wouldn't meet you. 5. If you didn't go so quickly didn't break in order to oneself on the tree. 6. If I didn't have a temperature I wouldn't go to the doctor's. 7. If I felt better I would go to the cinema. 8. If you will always lose money ring to the police. 9. If you will meet Bill of not speeches for him, that I love him. 10. If I lived in the large house so that I have 4 dogs.
2. If you fill this questionnaire form in will transmit your data to the organiser.
3. If a car had it I would not have to wait every day for the bus.
4. If I never moved to London I wouldn't meet you.
5. If you didn't go so quickly didn't break in order to oneself on the tree.
6. If I didn't have a temperature I wouldn't go to the doctor's.
7. If I felt better I would go to the cinema.
8. If you will always lose money ring to the police.
9. If you will meet Bill of not speeches for him, that I love him.
10. If I lived in the large house so that I have 4 dogs.