September 2023 1 9 Report
10. They (byli) very busy lately.
11. I cannot find my umbrella. I (szukam) it for ten minutes.
12. Last year he (zdal) all his examinations.
13. Do you know when they (pobrali się)?
14. They (zamierzają) go to the theatre on Sunday.
15. How long (mieszkasz) in this town?
16. (Czy są) any messages for me?
17. We (znamy) each other for ten years.
18. He always (mówi) that English grammar is simple.
19. I do not believe that he (ukradł) the money.
20. When you (kupiliscie) this house?
21. When our visitors arrived, my wife (robiła) tea.
22. Water (gotuje sie) at 100'C.
23. What radio programmes (słuchałeś ) yesterday?
24. I rarely (czytam) detective stories.
25. I understood exactly what he (powiedział) me.
26. Do not call tomorrow afternoon as I ( będę pisac) an article.
27. Go out and get some fresh air! (Uczysz sie) all the morning.
28. At last you are here! I (czekam) for you for over an hour.
29. (Nie wierzę) everything he tells me.
30. When I got there all the guests already (poszli ) home.
31. What (zrobią) when they leave school?
32. As I (wychodzę za mąż) soon, I already (kupiłam) my wedding dress.
33. I think that this wine (smakuje) sour.
34. Whom (spotkałaś) at the party last Saturday?
35. (Czy mam ) write the letter right away?

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