September 2018 2 63 Report

Rozwiążecie chociaż jakieś zadania ?

Jest to sprawdzian, poczatkujący angielski.

prosze chociaż o kilka zadań.

1 Look at the chart and complete the sentences with comparative or superlative adjectives.

William Julia Michael
Age 15 14 13
Centimetres 153 169 155
Geography test marks 6/20 9/20 15/20

1 William is _________________ than Michael. (old)

2 William is _________________ than Julia. (short)

3 Michael is _________________ at geography. (good)

4 Julia is _________________ . (tall)

5 Michael is _________________ in geography than Julia or William. (interested)

6 Julia is _________________ at geography than Michael. (bad)

7 Geography is _________________ for Julia than for Michael. (difficult)

8 Michael is _________________ of the three people. (young)

9 William is _________________ at geography. (bad)

10 Geography is _________________ for Julia than for William. (easy) 2 Complete with should or shouldn’t and the correct form of these verbs.
drink eat study watch save

Parents often say to their children:
1 You _______________ hard to get a good job or go to university.
2 You _______________ cola. It’s bad for you.
3 You _______________ your money. Don’t spend it all at the same time.
4 You _______________ television all the time. Why don’t you read a book?
5 You _______________ more vegetables. They’re good for you.

3 Complete with the correct form of a suitable verb.

1 Many teenagers enjoy _____________ video games.

2 English people are often bad at _____________ foreign languages.

3 Musicians are usually interested in _____________ to different kinds of music.

4 The Italians are very good at _____________ pizza and ice cream.

5 Most people can’t stand _____________ tests.

4 Complete with these words.

loves under enjoy next to inside
good at opposite between interested in can’t stand

1 David Beckham ______________ playing football.

2 9 is the number ______________ 8 and 10.

3 Your mouth is ______________ your nose.

4 Roger Federer is ______________ playing tennis.

5 It’s raining now, so let’s go ______________ the house.

6 Many old people are ______________ talking about life when they were young.

7 Most people ______________ waiting.

8 Music is fun, and many children ______________ playing the guitar.

9 Germany is ______________ France.

10 Morocco is in North Africa, ______________ Spain on the Mediterranean Sea.

5 Complete the chart with eight of these words.

champagne candle dragon grapes greetings water
soup lentils rice throw burn wine noodles

Things you eat Things you drink

6 Match the words and phrases in A with the words and phrases in B.

1 Come a) things?

2 Why b) safe!

3 What kind of c) with you.

4 Yes, d) know.

5 I’m coming e) listen!

6 Now f) not?

7 It isn’t g) here!

8 Oh, I don’t h) you do

7 Find the odd word.

1 festival suitcase carnival party

2 parade fireworks dancing beach

3 hairdresser’s cigarette post office travel agency

4 stage cap jewellery underwear

8 Read the text and answer the questions.

Birthdays around the world

South America
In some countries, a girl's 15th birthday is very important. It is called a Quinceanera. Usually the girl and her family go to church and the girl lights her parents' candles with her own candle. Then her parents light the candles of their parents, and so on. Children in Argentina get a pull on their ear for their birthday. Traditionally, there’s one pull for each year of their life.

In Mexican birthday celebrations piñatas are very important. Piñatas are paper animals with sweets and small toys inside. At birthday parties, children close their eyes and hit the piñata until it breaks. When it breaks, all the presents fall onto the floor and everyone tries to get one. People believe that the child who breaks the piñata has good luck.

Hong Kong
In Hong Kong and some other Chinese communities, people eat special noodles for lunch on their birthday. The noodles are very long to bring a long life.

Danish people put the country's flag outside their home to show that someone in the family is having a birthday. Before a birthday, parents put presents around their children’s beds in the middle of the night. When the children wake up on the morning of their birthday, the presents are the first thing they see.

Norwegian children dance in front of their class with a friend while the rest of the students sing a happy birthday song. They also put a flag up outside the school.

1 Where do children find their presents round their bed? ______________________
2 Where do children eat something special? ______________________
3 Where do children get presents from a paper animal? ______________________
4 Where does someone pull the child’s ear? ______________________
5 Where do the children celebrate in school? ______________________
6 Where does the child light a candle? ______________________
7 Where is a fifteenth birthday important for girls? ______________________
8 Where do children dance on their birthday? ______________________
9 Where do people put up a flag? _________ and _________
_____ / 10 pointsLISTENING

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