October 2018 1 17 Report

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1 Use the words to make sentences about the world in 20 years’ time. Use the future continuous or the future perfect form of the verbs, and add articles and prepositions.

1By 2030 / scientists / find / alternative / petrol cars


2 By 2030 / computers / take over / all routine jobs


3 By 2030 / we / stop flying / holidays / because / pollution


4 By 2030 / computers / organise / all machines and gadgets / our homes


5 By 2030 / many countries / already use / all their water resources


6 By 2030 / we / all work/ from home


7 By 2030 / everybody / learn / Chinese / school


8 By 2030 / the whole world / speak / English


9 By 2030 / most people / live / themselves


10 By 2030 / we / get / all entertainment / through mobile phones


_____ / 10 points

2 Complete the sentences with the first or second conditional form of the verbs in brackets.

1 If the human population __________ (grow) too big – which seems likely, many animals __________ (die out).

2 I think it __________ (be) great if winters __________ (be) hot.

3 We __________ (not have to) study if there __________ (be) no exams.

4 If only I __________ (understood) more of what she talks about.

5 If we __________ (not have) phones in the world, we __________ (have) much less contact with one another.

6 Unless we __________ (drive) less, pollution levels __________ (not decrease).

7 If you always __________ (use) your mobile phone, you __________ (get) a huge phone bill.

8 We __________ (be) a lot healthier if we __________ (go) to the gym three times a week.

9 I think that if they __________ (shut) all the supermarkets, lots of small shops __________ (open). Good, eh?

10 I wish he __________ (ring) me more often.

_____ / 10 points

3 Complete these sentences with if, unless, when, as soon as or until.

1 We’ll never get there on time ______________ you get ready quickly.

2 I’m so excited. I’m going to get my skis on ______________ we get there!

3 I’d take that job ______________ the pay was better.

4 I’ll take driving lessons ______________ I’ve finished school. I’m not in a hurry.

5 I can’t go home _________________ I’ve found my car keys!

6 Jane won’t get a birthday present from me ______________ I go shopping today. Her birthday’s tomorrow.

7 We won’t be able to go on holiday ____________ we’ve saved enough money.

8 I have to take the pasta out of the water _____________ it’s cooked, or it gets too soft and sticky.

9 We’d go and visit them more often ____________ getting there was cheaper.

10 I’d buy myself an up-to-date iPod _______________ I had a really good job.

_____ / 10 points


4 Put the letters in the correct order and write the words that match the definitions.

1 the gas that’s warming the world

bnocra xdeiodi ______________________

2 the tiny thing containing tens of thousands of electronic components that makes our computers and phones work

cmoirhpci __________________________

3 the energy made by joining or splitting atoms

cnurlae ngeyre ______________________

4 a person who carries out research

cesrreahre __________________________

5 a product made of micro-organisms that prevents disease

ccnvaie ____________________________

6 something you add to food to make it taste better or last longer

ddvaetii ____________________________

7 the amount of time people are expected to live

ifle pyxceencta ______________________

8 the number of times a heart beats per minute in a person's body

luesp aert ___________________________

9 the mass of air surrounding the earth

mshpatoeer __________________________

10 something polluting that is let out into the environment

ssmnieoi _____________________________

_____ / 10 points

5 Read the definitions and write the verbs.

1 to stop working for ever r_______________

2 to choose a politician or some other ‘official’ for a job e_______________

3 urgent, difficult or dangerous situation c_______________

4 to allow something to happen p_______________

5 to make sure both sides have equal weight b_______________

6 to disagree with or go against someone’s argument o_______________

7 to make something smaller or less d_______________

8 to think something (bad) may be true s_______________

9 to think something through to find a solution w________ o_____

10 to shine softly g_______________

_____ / 10 points


6 Complete the text with suitable words.

The arguments against video games are better known than those which are in favour. Opponents say that video games are usually violent. They involve (1) ______ an enemy or enemies and killing them in whatever way possible. This sometimes involves a huge number of screen deaths and blood all over the screen too. Opponents think that this screen violence makes players used to violence so that in (2) ______ real lives away from the computer, they accept it much more easily and use it to solve problems or commit crimes. They also say that video games are addictive. Players spend hours and hours in (3) ______ of the screen pushing buttons and moving control sticks; they forget everything else – all the things that have to do for the next day or the future, their other interests and all other pleasures and experiences in life. Video games (4) ______ a drug. Spending all your time on these games obviously means you’re not meeting up with other people either, and opponents claim (5) _____ because of them, players, especially children, are not developing the social skills they need for every day life.

The counter-arguments usually run like this: there is (6) ______ proof that video games make people violent or anti-social, and players know perfectly well that doing something on screen is quite (7) ______ from real life. Some people even claim that video games can be educational – by showing players (8) ______ danger or violence is really like, they encourage them to avoid them in real life and/or to be better prepared for them when or if something bad really does (9) ______. Another argument used is that playing games can help develop players’ reactions – they learn to react (10) ______ quickly to things, and they develop their spatial and problem-solving skills, which they can then transfer to other kinds of learning. Finally, it’s said that the skills you learn playing games are the skills you may well need to use in future jobs that are IT based.

I know what I think about all these arguments. Do you?

_____ / 10 points


7 Listen to the argument about football. Match the statements to the speakers, A or B.

1 Most footballers play football just to make money. ____

2 Players used to really care about their clubs. ____

3 Competition for contracts is good for the game. ____

4 Footballers are more skilful than they used to be. ____

5 Players no longer respect the referee. ____

6 Players waste too much time arguing. ____

7 Having two levels of football is spoiling the game. ____

8 Millionaires’ money has destroyed the competition. ____

9 Young players usually play for the big clubs. ____

10 Swimming is not fun to watch. ____

_____ / 10 points

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