1.-___You____make a Fox today? •I__going to •Am__going to •Are___going to •Ninguna 2.-Mario__ _____sleep in his House tomorrow •Is___going to •Are___going to He__ls going to •Ninguna 3.-Martín and Yolis ___ ___ work in and office with •are___ going to ___his •are__going to ___their •are___going to ___heir •Ninguna 4.-___Mary___walk in other site Next monday? •Are__going to •Is___going to •I___going to •Ninguna 5.-___Sofía___eat pizza today? •Is__going to •Am___going to •Are___going to •Ninguna 6.-Mar and Robert ___ _____ play soccer ___brothers •are___going to ____his •are___going to ___her •Is ___going to____their •Ninguna 7.-___Enrique ____walk in the park today? •Is ___going to •Are ___going to •Am____going to •Ninguna 8.-I and You ___ ____ bit a old car next week •Are___going to •Am____going to •Is___going to •Ninguna 9.-Mario and Micaela____do___homework next tuesday •Going to ____his •Going to ___their •Going to ____her •Ninguna 10.-____Homero____work with __new car? •Is__going to ___their •Is___going to ____her •Are___going to___ his •Ninguna Lo necesito para hoy es un cuestionario el que me conteste primero les doy 40 puntos
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