October 2018 2 9 Report

1) wskaż obiekt znajdujący się najbliżej Ziemi

a) Księżyc b) Syriusz c) Proxima Centauri

2)Uzupełnij zdania wpisując w wolne miejsca odpowiedzi.

okres obiegu planety wokół gwiazdy jest ściśle powiązany z ___________. Mówi o tym __________.

a) promieniem tej orbity

b) promieniem orbity, po której porusza się ta planeta

c) III prawo Keplera

d) III zasada dynamiki Newtona

prosze o odpowiedzi poprawne. jesli ktos nie wie to niech nie strzela. :)

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dopasuj nagłówki a-f do fragmentów tekstu 1-5. i przetłumacz tekst.a - Keep cool and win!b- Mirror, mirror on the wallc- Read minds to detect crimed- Wearing your doctore - What is Nextfest?f- Our mechanical friendWHAT TO SEE THE FUTURE?by Maggie Shiels1-Nextfest is an extraordinary exhibition where you can meet the most innovative minds and discover new technology from around the world and see the things that will change the way we live, work and play in the future. For example, ...2-Brainball is a computer game with a difference: if you're too competitive, you lose. The more relaxed you are, the better you play. Brainball measures your alpha waves and the person who is the most relaxed can push the ball to the other side and win. I'm sure it will be a popular game with yoga experts and stressed parents everywhere.3-If you're keen on fashion, Nextfest can show you the clothes of the future; fabrics which you can change by downloading styles from the werb, clothes which look after your health and a biometric suit which monitors your body and gives you medicine when you need it.4-Another success is a humanoid robot which can walk, trun, climb up and down stairs - and even dance. Asimo mimics human movement and is friendly-looking. Its maker, Honda, believes it will be a big help to blind or elderly people and to those who can't get out of bed.5-Detectives will love brain fingerprinting. It is a technology which reads minds by measuring brain waves and your responses to words or images. It is the perfect way to decide who is a terrorist and who is not or who is responsible for a crime and who isn't.If you want to see the future, come to Nextfest. It's open all this week at the State Science Exhibition Centre.

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