1. which one of the following musical instrumens is not percussion? a. bell b. gong c. harmonica d. cymbal 2. what does percussion mean? a. pressing b. striking c. twanging d. blowing 3. bell is a hollow ,metal vessel ,usully ....,which makes a ringging sound when struck with a hammer. a. rectangular b. flat like a floor c. round like a ball d. round like a cup 4. Going is a saucer-shaped bell made of metal ,struck to give a... a. signal b. mark c. warning d. message 5. How are percussion instruments in eastern orchestra? They are a. numerous b. not numerous c. quite numerous d. not very numerous langsung dgn artinya
1. Harmonica 2.twanging 3.round like a cup 4.message 5. Not numerous
3.round like a cup
5. Not numerous