1. What is the text about? 2. When is the school program usually held? 3. What events are held during the program? 4. Who takes part in the events? 5. Where do the events take place? 6. What can students find in a bazaar? 7. What sports competitions are held? 8. What should students do to win the cleanest classroom competition? 9. Who is the charity program addressed to?10. What do students enjoy on the last day of the event?
3. An art exhibition , a bazaar , several competitions / sports competitions , a charity program , and art performances.
4. All the students are welcomed to participate in all events.
5. in several spots at school , such as the art room , the alley , the schoolyard and the basketball court
6. students usually sell food , beverages , clothes and accessories
7. Futsal competition and basketball competition
8. They have to clean the classroom as good as they can until the classroom is clean and neat , and they may also decorate their classroom attractively
9. It is adressed for the people in need around the school
The text is about the writer's annual school festival.
2. When is the school program usually held?
The school program is usually held every August.
3. What events are held during the program?
The events are art exhibition, a bazaar, several competitions, a charity program and art performances.
4. Who takes part in the events?
All of the students are welcomed to take part in the events.
5. Where do the events take place?
The events take place in several spots at school.
6. What can students find in a bazaar?
Students can find food, beverages, clothes, accessories, etc in a bazaar.
7. What sports competitions are held?
The sports competitions are futsal competition in the school yard, basketball competition in the basketball court.
8. What should students do to win the cleanest classroom competition?
Students should keep their classroom not only clean and neat, but also decorate their classroom attractively.
9. Who is the charity program addressed to?
The charity program is addressed to the people in need around the school.
10. What do students enjoy on the last day of the event?
Students enjoy watching the performances of school bands on the last day of the event.
Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Pemahaman bacaan:
1. Tentang apakah teks itu?
Teksnya tentang festival sekolah tahunan penulis.
2. Kapan program sekolah biasanya diadakan?
Program sekolah biasanya diadakan setiap bulan Agustus.
3. Acara apa yang diadakan selama program?
Acara tersebut adalah pameran seni, bazaar, beberapa kompetisi, program amal dan pertunjukan seni.
4. Siapa yang ikut serta dalam acara tersebut?
Semua siswa dipersilakan untuk mengambil bagian dalam acara tersebut.
5. Di mana acara berlangsung?
Acara berlangsung di beberapa tempat di sekolah.
6. Apa yang dapat ditemukan siswa di bazaar?
Siswa dapat menemukan makanan, minuman, pakaian, aksesoris, dll di bazaar.
7. Kompetisi olahraga apa yang diadakan?
Kompetisi olahraga tersebut adalah pertandingan futsal di halaman sekolah, pertandingan basket di lapangan basket.
8. Apa yang harus dilakukan siswa untuk memenangkan kompetisi kelas terbersih?
Para siswa harus menjaga kelas mereka tidak hanya bersih dan rapi, tetapi juga mendekorasi kelas mereka dengan menarik.
9. Kepada siapa program amal ditujukan?
Program amal ini ditujukan kepada orang-orang yang membutuhkan di sekitar sekolah.
10. Apa yang dinikmati siswa pada hari terakhir acara?
Para siswa asyik menonton penampilan band sekolah di hari terakhir acara.
Verified answer
1. It is about School Festival
2. At August
3. An art exhibition , a bazaar , several competitions / sports competitions , a charity program , and art performances.
4. All the students are welcomed to participate in all events.
5. in several spots at school , such as the art room , the alley , the schoolyard and the basketball court
6. students usually sell food , beverages , clothes and accessories
7. Futsal competition and basketball competition
8. They have to clean the classroom as good as they can until the classroom is clean and neat , and they may also decorate their classroom attractively
9. It is adressed for the people in need around the school
10. the art performances.
Maaf sekali jika jawaban yang saya berikan salah
Reading Comprehension:
1. What is the text about?
2. When is the school program usually held?
3. What events are held during the program?
4. Who takes part in the events?
5. Where do the events take place?
6. What can students find in a bazaar?
7. What sports competitions are held?
8. What should students do to win the cleanest classroom competition?
9. Who is the charity program addressed to?
10. What do students enjoy on the last day of the event?
Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Pemahaman bacaan:
1. Tentang apakah teks itu?
2. Kapan program sekolah biasanya diadakan?
3. Acara apa yang diadakan selama program?
4. Siapa yang ikut serta dalam acara tersebut?
5. Di mana acara berlangsung?
6. Apa yang dapat ditemukan siswa di bazaar?
7. Kompetisi olahraga apa yang diadakan?
8. Apa yang harus dilakukan siswa untuk memenangkan kompetisi kelas terbersih?
9. Kepada siapa program amal ditujukan?
10. Apa yang dinikmati siswa pada hari terakhir acara?
Semoga membantu ya.