November 2019 1 14 Report
1) what is the meaning of suggestion...
A. Decide
B. An idea
C. Dialogue
D. Might
E. Situation
2) there are some expression accepting,suggestion except...
A. That's good idea
B. Good
C. No,I don't think so
D. Okay
E. Yes,you are right
3) the following sentence is refucing suggestion...
A. Why not
B. Al right
C. That's interesting
D. Well,not ready
E. Sound good
4) act of asking if some one would like to have something or if they would like you to do something...
A. Invitation
B. Sinonim
C. Antonim
D. Suggestion
E. An offer
5) the following sentence is offer...
A. Can I help you
B. Yes please
C. Thank you very much
D. No thanks
E. No don't bother
6) the following sentence is accepting on offer...
A. Can I help you
B. That's very kind of you
C. Let me get you a drink
D. No thanks
E. Not at the moment
7) I think a pair of shoes
C. Should
D. Do
E. Does

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