1. Lilik is thinking about designing a website for their company. (It shown in the first line of the dialogue)
2. Wahyu thinks, a website is important for business purpose (it can be find in Wahyu's first dialogue)
3. Wahyu worries about there is no person who has good command of webbing. 9It can be find in Wahyu's first dialogue in the last sentence)
4. Lilik finds the tutorial of how to make a website with yahoo in internet 9It can be find in the dialogue after Wahyu response to Lilik's statement of her thoughts on designing a website for their company)
Lilik is thinking about designing a website for their company, because she thinks it’s quite necessary for them
Penjelasan: Seperti yang dijelaskan pada baris pertama dialog “I’m thinking about designing a website for our company. I think it is quite necessary for us.”
2. Does Wahyu agree with him?
Yes, Wahyu agrees with him. He said their company need to have a website for business purposes.
Penjelasan: Ya, Wahyu setuju dengan ide Lilik seperti yang dikutip dari “You’re right. Although our company is not a big one, it still seems to need a website, at least, for the business purposes.”
3. What does Wahyu worry about?
Wahyu worries about that they don’t know anybody who has got good command of webbing.
Penjelasan: Seperti yang dikatakan Wahyu “But, we have no one who has got good command of webbing.”
4. What did Lilik do and find from the internet?
Lilik found an article in the internet explaining how to create a website with Yahoo! easily.
Penjelasan: Seperti yang dijelaskan pada dialog bahwa Lilik menemukan artikel yang menuliskan tentang cara membuat website dengan mudah di Yahoo!
Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang understanding text:
Verified answer
1. Lilik is thinking about designing a website for their company. (It shown in the first line of the dialogue)
2. Wahyu thinks, a website is important for business purpose (it can be find in Wahyu's first dialogue)
3. Wahyu worries about there is no person who has good command of webbing. 9It can be find in Wahyu's first dialogue in the last sentence)
4. Lilik finds the tutorial of how to make a website with yahoo in internet 9It can be find in the dialogue after Wahyu response to Lilik's statement of her thoughts on designing a website for their company)
#Jika membantu, mohon jadikan jawaban terbaik, terimakasih
Understanding Text - Dialog
1. What is Lilik thinking about?
Lilik is thinking about designing a website for their company, because she thinks it’s quite necessary for them
Penjelasan: Seperti yang dijelaskan pada baris pertama dialog “I’m thinking about designing a website for our company. I think it is quite necessary for us.”
2. Does Wahyu agree with him?
Yes, Wahyu agrees with him. He said their company need to have a website for business purposes.
Penjelasan: Ya, Wahyu setuju dengan ide Lilik seperti yang dikutip dari “You’re right. Although our company is not a big one, it still seems to need a website, at least, for the business purposes.”
3. What does Wahyu worry about?
Wahyu worries about that they don’t know anybody who has got good command of webbing.
Penjelasan: Seperti yang dikatakan Wahyu “But, we have no one who has got good command of webbing.”
4. What did Lilik do and find from the internet?
Lilik found an article in the internet explaining how to create a website with Yahoo! easily.
Penjelasan: Seperti yang dijelaskan pada dialog bahwa Lilik menemukan artikel yang menuliskan tentang cara membuat website dengan mudah di Yahoo!
Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang understanding text:
Detil Jawaban
Kelas : SMA kelas X
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Understanding text
Kata kunci : Dialog
Kode: 10.5.15