August 2018 1 60 Report
1.) Volume sebuah balok 1.800 cm3 , Panjang nya 15 cm dan lebar nya 6 cm . Hitunglah luas permukaan balok !
2.) Sebuah bak kamar mandi berukuran panjang 150 cm , lebar 75 cm dan tinggi nya 80 cm . Bak tersebut di isi air yang debit rata - rata setiap menit nya 12 Liter . Berapa lamakah bak tersebut berisi penuh air ?"

*Yang bisa jawab , Bantuin aku ya . Plissss :)

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The Cowardly Lion Dorothy and her friends were walking through the forest when they heard a terrible roar . The next moment , a great Lion ran onto the road . Dorothy and her friends were very frightened , but little Toto ran ahead and barked at the huge beast . When the Lion saw the little dog , he opened up his mounth as if to bite him . Dorothy became so angry at this that she came forward and slapped the Lion on the nose . "Don't you dare bite Toto !" she shouted . "You ought to be ashamed of yourself , a big Lion like you , trying to bite a little dog !" "I didn't bite him ," said the Lion , as he rubbed his nose with his big paw . "No , but you tried to," Dorothy answered . "You are nothing but a coward !" The Lion felt very ashamed . He told Dorothy and her friends that although he was the King of the Beasts , he was actually a coward . He was afraid of almost everything and everybody . The scarecrow scratched his straw head . Then he said , "Maybe Oz could give you courage." "If only I had courage , then I could truly be King of the Beasts." said the Lion . So Dorothy , the Scarecrow and the Tinman invited the Lion to join them on their journey to the Emerald City . The Lion agreed , and the friends continued to follow the Yellow Brick Road toward the home of the Great Oz . *Soal:1.) What's the purpose of the text : to describe something or to entertain people ?" 2.) How many characters are they ?" What are they like ?" 3.) Were there any problems (complications) in the story ?" 4.) Were there any solutions at the end of the story ?" 5.) Underline the direct speech and circle the indirect speech ?" [Yang Bisa Ngerjain Soal ini , Tolong Bantuin Aku Ya :)] Makasih

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