1 Uzywając podanych słów, ułóz zdania, tak aby znaczyły to samo, co zdania poprzedzające.
1 I don’t really like watching musicals. (keen)
2 He doesn’t want to do any homework. (avoids)
3 He might lose his life when he goes to Iraq. (risks)
4 Our project was successfully completed. (succeeded)
5 Comedies are OK for me to watch. (mind )
6 I’m a very good swimmer. (at)
7 Could we watch Friends instead of this horror movie? (how about)
8 Everybody knows Spielberg makes good action films. (famous)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. I'm keen on watching musicals.
2. Idk
3. Idk, sry
4. Idk, sry again
5. fck, idk
6. I'm very good at swimming.
7. How about wathing Friends instead of this horror movie?
8. Spielberg is famous by making good action films.