1. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie.
1.What.....(happen) on 5th January 1997?
2. Next year I ..... (sail) to Britain with my Dad.
3. What ........ your Mum ..... (do) after the accident?
4. ........... our class ............ (win) the competition?
5. Where .......... ypur friend .........(live)?
6. What .......... you ...........(read) now?
2.Napisz artykuł. Nadaj mu tytuł i podaj nazwisko autora. Użyj czasu przeszłego, teraźniejszego i przyszłego. Skorzystaj z ilustracji, wyrażeń i podanego zarysu opowiadania.
get lost, have an accident, have no food, call for help, use a mobile phone
1.Dziewczynka stoi w lesie z koszykiem w ręku. Jest słonecznie.
2. Zaczyna padać dzeszcz. Dziewczynka ucieka.
3.Dziewczyna zaczepiła się i upadła.
4. Trzyba się za nadgarstek, ponieważ ją boli.
5. Woła pomoc.
6. Dzwoni po pomoc z telefonu.
7. Przyjeżdża karetka i bada ręke.
8. Zabierają dziewczynkę karetką.
Zarys opowadania:
by ........................
It was a nice day in september. Julia went .................................
.The weather..................................................................
Sudedely, ........................................................................
Julia ........................................................................
She ..............................................................................
Finally, ...................................................................
Now ........................................................
In the future .................................................
So, remember children: ..............................................
Liczę na waszą pomoc i daje naj. :P
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1, what happend on ...
2. next year I will sail ...
3.what does your Mum do ..
4.did our class win ...
5. where does your friend lives ?
6. what are you reading now ?
2. It was a nice day in september. Julia went to foster. the weather was sunny and windy. suddenly she was felling down. Julia was hooking the root. She can't move.
SOmebody was coming to her . It was her brother. Finally he helped her. Now she don't thing aubot his only good things. In the future she will be help others people. So remember children you must helping for other people.
happend ,
sail ,
does, do,
.did ,win,
does your,
are you,
2. It was a nice day in september. Julia went to foster. the weather was sunny and windy. suddenly she was felling down. Julia was hooking the root. She can't move.