August 2018 2 142 Report
1. raditya. : you look so pale
Dendy. :yes, I have headache....I don't have breakfast yet.
A. because
B. if
C. when
D. althought

2. Guntur : I am afraid my father will be angry
Tigo: .....he berates yoy, you should tell him honestely about your bad score.
A. because
B. when
C. if
D. althought

3. Restuti : he is so wise.
Riska : he behaves ...a gentelmen should behave.
A. if
B. but
C. as
D. until

4. X : my mother told me to go home soon after class.
X: my mother wants me to go home right away after school
A: I see
B: could you repeat that?
C: may I speak to mr.tom?
D: have a nice day

5. Andrew : hello?
Orlando : hello, may I speak to andrew?
Andrew : ......who is there?
Orlando : this is orlando.
A. sorry I must gi niw?
B. may I speak to orlando
C. this is orlando
D. it's andrew speaking

" mohon bantuannya ya "

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