Treść brzmi : " Rewrite the sentences with possessive adjectives. Then rewrite them again with possessive pronouns. " Niestety wnm co to znaczy ;c A tłumacz źle tłumaczy ;// W miejscu kropek należy coś tam wpisać xD A ja właśnie nie rozumiem ;/
1. ( przykład ) - My dad's got a big desk. His desk is big. The big desk is his. 2. I've got a red T-shirt. ......... . The red T-shirt is ....... . 3. We've got a small car. ...... . The small car is .... . 4. Amy and Liam have got an old computer. ..... . The old computer is .... . 5. Maria's got a new mobile phone. ..... . The new mobile phone is ...... . 6. You've got a nice bag. ..... . The nice bag id .... .
2. I've got a red T-shirt.My T-shirt is red . The red T-shirt is mine.3. We've got a small car.Our car is small . The small car is ours.4. Amy and Liam have got an old computer.Their computer is old. The old computer is theirs.5. Maria's got a new mobile phone.Her mobile phone is new . The new mobile phone is hers6. You've got a nice bag.Your bag is nice. The nice bag is yours.