September 2018 1 21 Report

1. Przekształć zdania na twierdzące, stosując skrócone formy.

1) He isn't from London.

2) Russia isn't in Europe.

3)They aren't Scottish .

4)It isn't difficult.

5)I'm not happy.

2. Uzupełnij zdania formą twierdzącą be lub have got.

1) I __________ short hair.

2) She ______________ red glasses.

3)Our sunglasses _______________ new.

4)Pau Gasol _________ very tall.

5)Her eyes _______________ dark.

6)We________________ blue eyes.

7)My mother___________________ red hair.

3. Przyjrzyj się formom 's. Jaką pełnią funkcję: is, has czy possesive s?

Hi. My (1) name's Jill and I'm fron Liverpool. I'm writing about my best friends Shania and Joanne.

Shania and Joanne are my classmates. (2) Shania's birthday is in May and (3) Joanne's birthday is in January. (4) Shania's got two younger brothers but Joanne hasn't got any brothers or sisters.

(5) Shania's tall. (6) She's got long, dark hair and blue eyes.(7) Joanne's short. (8) She's got fair hair and dark eyes.

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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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