October 2018 1 219 Report

1. przeczytaj tekst.napisz pytani do których odpowiedzi stanowią wyróżnione słowa. badgers come from EUROPE.they have thick grey fur and always have white stripes on their head.they live in large burrows UNDER THE GROUND.they like to be with their family and they often play together.badgers weigh ABOUT 10KG.badgers usually sleep ALL DAY.they come out at night to hunt for their food.they eat INSECTS AND PLANTS.badgers live for UP TO 14 YERS. 1.where do badgers come from? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.napisz pytania i odpowiedzi jak w przykladzie 1.which animal has got feathers?an eagle 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.napisz wyrażenia o przeciwntm znaczeniu small nose long tail thick coat short feathers short legs 4.uzupełnij zdania poniższymi wyrazami small sharp short big thick long thin bears have bodies and fur giraffes have tails and necks cats have claws canaries have wings camels have long legs ducks have legs 5.dopasuj do siebie slowa z obydwu kolumn tak aby utworzyć wyrażenia.następnie uzupełnij nimi poniższe zdania. we want to vist of pompeii pandas have got very kangaroos use their when they jump don t go near the kangaroo.it can animals like cows and goats animals like lions and tigers the of australia is the kangaroo

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