1 oracion con I You He She It We They y con diferente verbo cada uno
She talk with the teacher about the exercise i walk in the street at home
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¡Notificar abuso! * I have an awesome flower in my garden. * You made a juice in the kitchen. * He is sleeping in his bedroom. * She is taking a shower in the bathroom. * It is raining so hard and the water is getting into the house. * We havent' washed the dishes. * They are cleaning the table, we're going to eat.
* I have an awesome flower in my garden.
* You made a juice in the kitchen.
* He is sleeping in his bedroom.
* She is taking a shower in the bathroom.
* It is raining so hard and the water is getting into the house.
* We havent' washed the dishes.
* They are cleaning the table, we're going to eat.