1 opowiedz o nieudanym pobycie w restauracji.
2 opowiedz o problemach z urządzeniem domowym. Jaki problem, jak go rozwiązałes.
3 opowiedz o wizycie na targach jedzenia. co prezentowali.
4 opowiedz o wynalazku ktory widziales w internecie, do czego sluzyl, jak dzialal, dlaczego ci sie spodobal
Wypisac to w punktach. taki jakby plan wydarzen. bede to opowiadal patrzac na punkty. jakies 10 punktów na kazde zadanie czyli razem okolo 40 punktow do wypisania.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. restaurant
- exclusive restaurant
- i was with parents
- want to order a meal
- wait for waiter so long
- get angry, but waiter come
-wait so long for a meal
- meal was cold and awful
- don't want to pay for that
- we left the restaurant
- it was the worst meal in my life
2. problems with my dvd
- want to watch a movie
- put cd into dvd
- i press play
- didnt work
- looking for a reason
- thought that dvd is broken
- i checked the tv and it works
- i try to check dvd
- usb cable was not conncted with good input
- connect - work
3. food markets
-i go with friends
- knife show by japan man
- how to make a good salade
-dishes from around the world
- stall with spices from around the world
-new recipes
- competition for the best soup
-cooking quiz
- competition for visitors ' do it by youself'
- awards for competitions
4. invention
-saw it on the internet
- iphone
- with great camera, can make videos, do photos
- has got mp3 player
- free internet
-you can watch tv
-download music, films
-writing emails, messages, phoning
-i like it bcs its modern
- have a lot od gadgets