1. Opisz po angielsku rolę zwierząt w życiu ludzi (może być od pauz)
2. wypisz po angielsku plusy i minusy posiadania zwierząt domowych (np. pies, koń itd.)
3. wypisz po angielsku plusy i minusy trzymania zwierząt w zoo
4. wypisz przykłady zagrożonych gatunków zwierząt, (napisz po angielsku przyczyny tych zagrożeń i ich rozwiązania)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Animalsplay an important rolein people's lives.
2. plusy- You canplay with them, take care. minusy to sam/a wpisz bo nie wiem.
3. plusy- animals are safe in zoo. minusy- animals aresad propably.
4. The Bear becouse there is a smallpopulation and Touristsscarethem.
Liczę na naj!
1.animals and their role in people life
Animals and pets are very cute an dice. Animals like dogs is very faithful to his owner. Some animals can be Pet Guide and some of them save people when they are in danger. Animals can readjust quality of us life. so let's be good for them
2.disadvantages and advantages of having a pet in the hause
- Animals can save our life
- Animals can readjust quality of us life.
-Pets can make us laugh
- We can play with animals
- Animals can be us best friends
- Animals never leave us in need
- Animals can cheer us up
- Animals is very love
-we need to give them a lot of attention
- Pets cost. We must pay for: food, toys, place for sleep, vet and upkeep.
- Animals cat be rude and bad
- Animals can bite owner.
-Animals can bite furniture and decorations in hause.
3. disadvantages and advantages of having a pet in the zoo
- We can see wild animals in the zoo
- We can take photoes of wild animals
-We can learn a lot about wild animals
-Animals are not in their natural environment
- Animals live in the cage
- Animals do not get natural food
- Animals cat ill too much
4.endangered species and what should we do to save this animals
Polar Bear
We don't have to kill polar bear for fur. We can built splecia cultures polar bears and reservation.
We don't have to kill this bear for fur, claws and medicine and we also shouldn't cut bamboo forests. We can build reservation
We don't have to kill platypus for fur and medicine. We can't kill Platypus
Bamboo (szympans karłowaty)
We don't kill bamboo for meat and fur and we also mustn't strip Baboo's food.
Snow leopard
We can't kill and we should protect Snows Leopard
We can built reservats for Tapir and breed them
takahe(taki ptak)
We mustn't eat Takahe's egs. We can breed them and don't have to kill this Bird
On the world live a lot of type at risk. We can save them but only when begin to appreciate
Animals need us protect. We mustn't kill them, and unbuilt his natural envorments.
We must be good for them...He's doing so much for us and we will ...nearly nothing
Trochę się napisałam ale mam nadzieje ,że dobrze i,że pomogłam ci ;)