1 Neighbour Day (był obchodzony) a bit differently last year. 2 When I got home I realised that I (zostawiłem klucze do domu) in the car. 3 It was the second time we (zorganizowaliśmy) a barbecue party for the neighbours. 4 My neighbour (zawsze włączał) music when I was about to go to sleep. loud 5 How long is it since you (pokłóciliście się) with your next door neighbours? 6 Why (nie pościeliłeś swojego łóżka) your bed yet? It's almost midday! 7 We (zawsze mogliśmy polegać na) our neighbours. That's why we liked them so much.
1was celebrated 2 I left my keys 3 organised 4 always turned up 5 argued 6 didn’t you make 7 could always rely on