1. Menurut saya tidak bagus karena kita mempunyai tenaga kerja dari masyarakat Indonesia asli, karena masih banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang menganggur . 2. Karena pegawai negara lain bisa mempengaruhi bangsa Indonesia atau menjajah kembali dengan cara menguasainya tanpa kita sadari. 3. Usaha lokal banyak yang tergusur akibat perusahaan asing dan masyarakat banyak yang menganggur akibat banyak pegawai asing yang bekerja di Indonesia.
Ubahlah kedalam bahasa Inggris tanpa google translate
1. I do not think it's good because we have the workforce of indigenous Indonesian people, because there are still many Indonesian people who are unemployed
2. Because other state employees can influence the Indonesian nation or colonize again by mastering it without us knowing it.
3. Many local businesses are displaced by foreign companies and many people are unemployed due to many foreign employees working in Indonesia
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1. in my opinion is not good because we have manpower from indonesian indigenous people, because there are still many indonesian people who are unemployed
2.because the employees of other countries can influence the nation of Indonesia or colonize again by mastering it without us knowing it.
many local businesses are displaced by foreign companies and many people are unemployed due to many foreign employees working in Indonesia 3.
2. Because other state employees can influence the Indonesian nation or colonize again by mastering it without us knowing it.
3. Many local businesses are displaced by foreign companies and many people are unemployed due to many foreign employees working in Indonesia
2.because the employees of other countries can influence the nation of Indonesia or colonize again by mastering it without us knowing it.
many local businesses are displaced by foreign companies and many people are unemployed due to many foreign employees working in Indonesia