December 2018 1 9 Report
1). Mengapa Pancasila dapat menjadi sumber norma hukum?
2). Bagaimanakah sikap yg dpt ditunjukkan sebagai bukti pelaksanaan nilai" Pancasila? Berilah contohnya!
3). Sebutkan nilai" sosial-politik baru sebagai paradigma pembangunan politik Indonesia!

For jawabannya thanks :v satu atau 2 yg bisa di jawab gpp kok :v

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Tolong cariin minimal 5 kalimat passive sentence di bawah ini When a honeybee stings, it dies a gruesome death. The bee’s stinger is structured in such a way that once it punctures human skin, the bee can’t yank it out without self-amputating. As the honeybee tries to pull out the stinger, it ruptures its lower abdomen, leaving the stinger embedded, pulling out instead a string of digestive material, muscles, glands and a venom sac. What results is a gaping hole at the end of the abdomen. The honeybee stinger is hollow and pointed, like a hypodermic needle, Mussen said. It contains two rows of lancets, or saw-toothed blades. These blades are barbed in shape, and face outward like a harpoon. As a bee stings, the blades alternate, “scissoring together into your flesh,” said Mark Winston, biologist and author of “Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive.” It looks — and works — like a screw anchor, meaning that once in, the stinger can’t retract. Muscles connect the stinger to a venom sac, from which a cell-destroying toxin is pumped into the hole. But lets back up. It is only the female honeybees, also known as the worker bees, that sting. Each hive contains some 60,000 worker bees, followed by a few hundred male drones and a single female queen bee. The queen bee only stings when fighting for dominance against another queen, Winston said. And while the hornet and the wasp are known for being more aggressive, honeybees are more docile, and typically only attack when threatened

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