1. Jestes w Anglii, pytasz kolegi: - gdzie znajdziesz restauracje z chinskim zarciem - spytaj o droge - spytaj o godziny otwarcia 2. Twoj kumpel dostal szczeniaczka -powiedz ze nie zgadzasz sie na psa, argumentuj -dlaczego pies nie moze byc w mieszkaniu -jakie miejsce najlepsze bys dla niego wybral 3. Nie pamietam;p ale cos z kompromisem;]
Obrazek: pierwszy plan, czworka mlodych chlopaczkow trzymaja puchar, drugi plan, rodzice zafascynowani, wszyscy sa w pokoju. 1. Dlaczego wygrali sami chlopcy 2. Czy zawody to dobre dla uczniow
1. Hi! where can I find a restaurant with Chinese food? And I could explain to me how to get there? And you know how the opening hours?
2. I do not agree on the dog, because I am allergic to fur. Maybe we will give it to my aunt, she lives in the countryside, your dog will instantly have excellent conditions.
3. ?
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1.Excuse me, where I'll find a restaurant with Chinese food? How do I get there? And from whom to whom it is open?
2.This dog can not be home. We have a small apartment, except that you have to take care of it yet. In my opinion it is best to leave it in good hands, or to the hostel, where we take care of him.
And I could explain to me how to get there?
And you know how the opening hours?
2. I do not agree on the dog, because I am allergic to fur.
Maybe we will give it to my aunt, she lives in the countryside, your dog will instantly have excellent conditions.
3. ?
How do I get there? And from whom to whom it is open?
2.This dog can not be home. We have a small apartment, except that you have to take care of it yet. In my opinion it is best to leave it in good hands, or to the hostel, where we take care of him.