1. jestes na wakacjach nad Baltykiem z rodzicami. Napisz pocztowke do kolegi w Angli. * napisz jak spedzasz czas *dodasz ze jestes z rodzicami *opiszesz krotko hotel w ktorym przebywasz *zaproponujesz wspolny wypoczynek nad polskim morzem w przyszlym roku 2.Chcesz zorganizowac dyskoteke dla uczestnikow miedzynarodowego kursu jezykowego. *podaj cene biletu *napisz o ktorej zabawa sie skonczy *poprosisz o potwierdzenie przyjscia *podasz jak mozna sie z toba skontaktowac i trzeba tam podac miejsce zavawy data, godzina rozpoczecia
1Greeting grom England;) Everyday I'm going to the party and i sighseeing a lot. I am there with my parents. I stayed in hotel. There is a big swimmingpool and a lot of interesting objects. I have beautiful room. PS. We could go on polish see next holiday Lots of kiss xyz
2invite! I invite you to the disco next Saturday at 21 o'clock in club "Party beach". If you take part in it you must byu a ticket. It cost 5 euro. The disco wil be finished at 2 o'clock. Please call me, if you want to coma. my telephonenumber 0000000 xyz
2 votes Thanks 1
1. Dear Tom! I'm in Władysławowo at Baltic Sea with my parents now. We are in very exlusive, 5 stars hotel near the sea. It's great, every day we go at the beach, water is warm, weather is hot, something about 30 celcius degrees. In the evening we go at the concerts and to the fairground. Next year we should spend holidays together at our Polish sea. See you soon Eryk
2. Come to Super Party! It's will be 1st April 2010 at 6pm in Hula Kula in University Library. It's a party for users of language course. Ticket costs 10 zlotys. Party ends at 9 pm. Please, accept your decision: call me at 600800200. John
mam nadzieje, ze bedzie okey :) starałam sie napisac wszystko najlepiej jak umiem, w razie niezgodnosci i poprawek pisz do mnie, a poprawię :P
Everyday I'm going to the party and i sighseeing a lot. I am there with my parents. I stayed in hotel. There is a big swimmingpool and a lot of interesting objects. I have beautiful room.
PS. We could go on polish see next holiday
Lots of kiss
I invite you to the disco next Saturday at 21 o'clock in club "Party beach". If you take part in it you must byu a ticket. It cost 5 euro. The disco wil be finished at 2 o'clock. Please call me, if you want to coma. my telephonenumber 0000000
I'm in Władysławowo at Baltic Sea with my parents now. We are in very exlusive, 5 stars hotel near the sea. It's great, every day we go at the beach, water is warm, weather is hot, something about 30 celcius degrees. In the evening we go at the concerts and to the fairground. Next year we should spend holidays together at our Polish sea.
See you soon
2. Come to Super Party! It's will be 1st April 2010 at 6pm in Hula Kula in University Library. It's a party for users of language course. Ticket costs 10 zlotys. Party ends at 9 pm. Please, accept your decision: call me at 600800200.
mam nadzieje, ze bedzie okey :) starałam sie napisac wszystko najlepiej jak umiem, w razie niezgodnosci i poprawek pisz do mnie, a poprawię :P