August 2018 1 123 Report
1. Escribe explícitamente la matriz A:
A = [a ij] 2 x 3 Si: aij = 3; i = j
aij = i + j ; i ≠ j

2. Dada : A = [■(2x+3y&[email protected]&x-2y)] donde se cumple: a 12 = 2 + a 21
a 22 = - 3
Calcular x + y

3. Dados: A= [■(2&1&[email protected]&-2&4)] B = [■(1&[email protected]&[email protected]&2)] Hallar: A x B

4. Hallar el valor de “x” de la ecuación: |■(x&[email protected]&x)| = 3 |■(1&[email protected]&x)|

5. Sea la matriz : A =[■(x-2y&x+3y&[email protected]&x+y&[email protected]&8&7)]

Donde se cumple: TRAZ (A) = 16 ^ a 21 +a 31 = a22 +1; Calcular: x. y

6. Hallar los valores de x, y, z :

x + y + z = 12
2x – y + z = 4
X + y - 2z = -3

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