October 2018 1 97 Report

1 . complete the dialogue . use the correct from will and the verbs in the box.
`not like, be, move, not be,get meet, not come`

A: Hi ben .what are you doing this weekend?
B:it`s my brother birthday on friday . He ___twenty.
cool! will he have a party? Yes, but it _____on friday,
becausehe`s in london. He____home until Saturday.
what is the doing in london? He`s studying there. And he has a girlfriend .
i think that he ____married soon! Really ? Do you know his girlfriend? No, but i ____her the weekend. She`s from seville, so maybe my brother____to spain. Your partents____that !
2.Complete the sentences. use the first national and the verbs in brackets.
We____it if you ____it.(change, not like)
We___ Sarah at the hospital if her mum___us, (not visit, not phone)
she___ a text message, we _____her later(send, see)
you____the computer, you ___energy(turn off, save)
____you ___me if it i __you?(help, ask)
Write questions about maria`s future. then complete the short answers.
Maria`s future
1.go to university <yes>
2.study english <no>
3.get a job in spain<yes>
4.get married<no>
1 _____
3.yes, ___
4. no, ___
4. complete the sentences . use the pairs of words from the box.
` cut down, destroy, recycle,, throw away,keep clean , pollute, torn off, save, protect, waste`

a)don`t__those newspapers. we should ____paper!
b)please___the tap . try to____water.
c)if people ____ale the trees, they will ___the rainforest.
d)factories shouidn`t___the river.theyshould___it ___.
e)don`t ____electricity! if you turn of the lights, you`ll help to ____the environment.

complete the text. use will or won`t and the verbs in the box.
`pollute, recycle, not save, destroy,protect`

the environment -your opinions !
we asked for your opinions aboutthe future of our planet. here are two letters from readers.

Hi!i think that the fuure will be great think that people____everything- glass, paper, plastic and metal the___all the endangered animals, like tigers and elephants.
Carl (aged 15)

I think that the future will be terrible. people___energy-they`ll use a lot of electrcity. we____all the rivers and oceans, and we___the environment completely.
Joe(aged 17)

w 1-dnym z zalocznikow jest tekst .. a w drugim pytaniedo niego :D

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1.Complete the text. use the past continuous form of the verbs in the box(Uzupełnij tekst. używać Past Continuous formy czasowników w polu|play|not dance|not wait|talk|not come| wear | run | eat|Party time ! Last saturday , my friend maria had a halloween party. it was great! people ____ strange clothes, like vampires and mummies. maria`s brother ____ great CDs on the stereo but we______ because we ______pizzas and crisps.then i met maria`s cousin frank. he was really nice and we ______all evening . he invited me to the cinema the nest day . i arrived at the cinema the at six o`clock, but he ______for me. i thought that he___, so i phoned him. then he arrived. he _____down the street . his bus was late ! 2. complete the sentences . use the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets(uzupełnić zdania. używać Past Continuous formy czasowników w nawiasach)a) dad ___ <talk>to his friend when i saw him.b)it___<not rain> yesterday . it was sunny.c)my friends <eat> pizzas.d)she____<swim>in the sea.e)we____<not study>. we were talking .. f)you___<drink> my bottle of water g)he___<not run>. he was walkingh) you ____<not listen> to me! 3.complete the text. use the words in the(dokoncz ten tekst uzywajac wyrazow ponizej)were, went,wae,go,decided,disappeared, while, wasn`t,taking,sittingThle loch ness monster?Last summer, i ___ to scotland with my family. one day, we___ staying at a campsite near loch ness and we____ to cycle around the lake. the sun___shining and it was a lovely day .at one o`clock we stopped for lunch. my sister was____a photo when she shaw a strange animal near the water. it___swimming, but i was___next to water. _____we were watching , it started to rain. then the animal ____. where did it___? was it the loch ness monster? 4. write questions . then answer the questions using the post continuous an the words in the bracktes.(napisz pytania. Następnie odpowiedz na pytania używając przeszłości ciągła i słowa w nawiasach)a) It\rain\yesterday? <yes>b)What\your mum\do\at nine o`clock last night? <watch tv>c)your parents\work\last sunday<no>d)what\you\do\an hour ago ? <read a magazine>5.complete the sentences . use the past simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.(uzupełnić zdania. użyć Past Simple lub ciągłe formy czasowników w nawiasach.a) I ____ DINNER WHEN YOU___ <have\phone>b) While we ____, we____ strange noises. <wait\hear>c) ____you____a mummy while you ____in egypt? <see\travel>d)It___when I____the house.<not rain\leave>e)When my friends____ I ____the internet. <arrive\surf>6. Writnig Write about a scary book or a frightenin fil. think about these questions :*what is the book\film about ? *who are the main characters?*why did you like the book\film?*why did you read\watch it ? 7. write the verbs of movement ( napisz czasowniki ruchua) m u j pb)d a n t s puc)s u p h d)i t s w o n d e) l u l p f)s a r c h g)k l a w h)i l e d o w n i) v e r i dj)t o f a lLicze na dobre odpowiedzi ..

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