1. Complete the definitions with the words, translate(!!!) the words:
A. climate, humidity, mulch, long-range forecast, soil moisture
- amount of water in air
- material put on ground to protect plants
- prediction of futute weather conditions
- weather conditions in area
- amount of water in soil
B. hard coat, germinate, seedling, seed vigor, hybrid, sow
- made by parents of different breeds
- to plant seeds
- to sprout from a seed
- the firm layer of a seed
- the strength and survivability of a seed
- a young plant
C. water cycle, drought, arid, irrigate
- receiving little rainfall
- a period of dryness
- to guide water to plants
- the pattern of water moving and changing
2. Choose the correct word, translate(!!!) the words:
A) ditch, groundwater, shortage, rainfall, rain-fed, drought-resistant
• Irrigate the plants by digging the ____
• Areas with a lot of ____ are ideal for gardening.
• With so much ___ gardeners don't have to water plants.
• Many crops died because of water ____
• She prefers ____ crops because she lives in arid region.
• He doesn't irrigate his crops are ____
B) Aeration, clay, loam, humus, soil structure
• ____ is a mix of 3 soil types.
• ____ provides roots to air.
• Use ____ to add nutrients to soil.
• Some ____ hold more water than others.
• Crops don't grow well in pure ____ soil.
3. Translate:
struktura gleby, woda gruntowa, opady
sadzić, roślina, podlewać, siać, nasiono, pąk
piasek, glina, ił, muł, próchnica
ostatni przymrozek, wilgotność gleby, strefa mrozoodporności
Verified answer
A. climate - weather conditions in an area
humidity - amount of water in the air
mulch - material put on the ground to protect plants
long-range forecast - prediction of future weather conditions
soil moisture - amount of water in the soil
B. hard coat - the firm layer of a seed
germinate - to sprout from a seed
seedling - a young plant
seed vigor - the strength and survivability of a seed
hybrid - made by parents of different breeds
sow - to plant seeds
C. water cycle - the pattern of water moving and changing
drought - a period of dryness
arid - receiving little rainfall
irrigate - to guide water to plants
struktura gleby - soil structure
woda gruntowa - groundwater
opady - rainfall
sadzić - sow
roślina - plant
podlewać - water
siać - sow
nasiono - seed
pąk - bud
piasek - sand
glina - clay
ił - loam
muł - mulch
próchnica - humus
ostatni przymrozek - last frost
wilgotność gleby - soil moisture
strefa mrozoodporności - frost zone
A) ditch, groundwater, shortage, rainfall, rain-fed, drought-resistant
• Irrigate the plants by digging the ditch.
• Areas with a lot of groundwater are ideal for gardening.
• With so much rainfall, gardeners don't have to water plants.
• Many crops died because of water shortage.
• She prefers drought-resistant crops because she lives in an arid region.
• He doesn't irrigate his crops because they are rain-fed.
B) Aeration, clay, loam, humus, soil structure
• Loam is a mix of 3 soil types.
• Aeration provides roots with air.
• Use humus to add nutrients to soil.
• Some clays hold more water than others.
• Crops don't grow well in pure clay soil.
susza - okres suchości
pustynny - otrzymujący mało opadów
nawadniać - kierować wodę do roślin
• Obszary o dużej ilości wody gruntowej są idealne do ogrodnictwa.
• Przy tak dużych opadach, ogrodnicy nie muszą podlewać roślin.
• Wiele upraw zginęło z powodu braku wody.
• Ona woli rośliny odporne na suszę, ponieważ mieszka w suchym rejonie.
• On nie podlewa swoich upraw, ponieważ są zależne od opadów.
• Nawożenie powietrzem dostarcza korzeniom powietrza.
• Użyj humusu, aby dodać składniki odżywcze do gleby.
• Niektóre gliny wchłaniają więcej wody niż inne.
• Uprawy nie rosną dobrze w czystej glinie.