1. Byłeś ostatnio świadkiem kradzieży, napisz o tym w liście od kolegi
*poinformuj co zrobiłeś gdy doszło do tego zdarzenia, napisz co zostało skradzione.
*opis wygląd i zachowanie osoby która dokonała kradzieży.
*napisz jak zareagowałeś i jakie był skutki Twojej reakcji.
*dowiedz się czy kolega był kiedykolwiek w podobnej sytuacji i zapytaj o jego opinię w sprawie Twojego zachowania.
dzięki za wszelką pomoc :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Tom,
Thanks for your last letter and sorry that I haven't written for so long. How are you?
Last Monday, when I was walking along the street I noticed a shop robbery. Two men stole some money. They had covered faces and dark clothes, they seemed to be dangerous people. I didnt know what to do but after some time I decided to call police. They appeared after 15 minutes. They asked me some questions and began to look for the robbers. After some time they caught them. The caps and shop owner thanked me. I felt a little scared but proud of myslef.
Have you ever been in such situation? Would would you do if u were me? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Say hello to your parents and sister.
Best wishes, XYZ