1. Buatlah dialog yang berisi 'Greeting, Introducing yourself, Introducing people, Describing things, and Giving Opinion', dengan tema perpustakaan 2. Buatlah satu dialog tentang 'Describing Things' dan satu dialog tentang 'Asking and Giving Advice and opinion' dengan tema Perpustakaan Nasional.
1. Dialog dengan tema perpustakaan yang berisi 'Greeting, Introducing yourself, Introducing people, Describing things, and Giving Opinion'. Dialog ini dalam rangka kunjungan sekelompok siswa SMK wilayah setempat dimana Agus dan Emi sebagai staf perpustakaan mencoba menjelaskan tentang perpustakaannya kepada siswa pengunjung.
Agus: “Good Morning, I like to introduce my self. My name is Agus and I am the manager of this library. And this is my assistant Emi.”
Emi: “Good Morning, my name is Emi. I am Agus’s assistant. I help people to find books they can not locate in this library.”
Agus: “Yes, if you have any questions about anything in this library, please feel free to ask any of us and we will be glad to assist you.”
Emi: “Our library consist of three floors, the first floor are for books in Bahasa Indonesia and mostly non-fiction type of books, the second floor are for fiction type of books including children books. And on the third floor we have all books in English language. Feel free to read around”.
Agus: “This library has been a place for people to learn. There is so much knowledge in this library that will make you smart. I encourage any of you to spend as much time to read anything that interest you if you want to succeed in life.”
2. Sebuah dialog dengan tema Perpustakaan Nasional tentang 'Describing Things'.
Budi: “Hey Tuti, do you know there is a new library near our school just opened last week?”
Tuti: “Oh really? No, I havn’t heard.”
Budi: “Doni and I went there yesterday. Apparently, that is a Perpustakaan Nasional and it is a big library. The place is cool, full of new and interesting books. The library has three floors connected with an elevator. They even have comfortable sofas where you can sit and relax reading all kinds of books. They also have many staffs to help us looking for books we can not find. They are very kind. The library is very clean as well. You should go if you have a change.”
Tuti: “Wow, that sounds very interesting. I will go tomorrow after school. Thanks for the info”.
Budi: “Ok, have fun tomorrow”.
Sebuah dialog dengan tema Perpustakaan Nasional tentang 'Asking and Giving Advice and opinion'.
Udin: “Hey Joko, can you show me how can I go to the new Perpustakaan Nasional?”
Rudi: “Sure, I think, you better take a train to get there because it will take 3 hours if you go by bus as you will face a nasty traffic jam on the way there. So, I think going there by train is the best”.
Udin: “Oh ok, I will take train then. Thank you for your advice”.
Rudi: “Sure, no problem. Have fun to the Perpustakaan Nasional!”.
Dialog merupakan sebuah teks kutipan pembicaraan langsung antara dua belah pihak atau lebih yang saling berinteraksi dan berdiskusi mengenai sesuatu topik pembicaraan. Dialog pada umumnya menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari dan bersifat informal. Dialog biasanya ditulis menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
Sebuah teks dialog memiliki cici-ciri sebagai berikut:
Pembicaraan menyangkut suatu topic.
Semua yang terlibat diskusi memakai bahasa yang dapat dimengerti satu sama lain.
Pihak yang terlibat saling berinteraksi sesuai topik pembicaraan.
Teks kalimat dimulai dengan nama orang yang menyuarakan langsung kutipan ucapannya.
Teks kalimat pembicaraannya dibuka dan diakhiri dengan tanda kutip (“...“).
Verified answer
1. Dialog dengan tema perpustakaan yang berisi 'Greeting, Introducing yourself, Introducing people, Describing things, and Giving Opinion'. Dialog ini dalam rangka kunjungan sekelompok siswa SMK wilayah setempat dimana Agus dan Emi sebagai staf perpustakaan mencoba menjelaskan tentang perpustakaannya kepada siswa pengunjung.
Agus: “Good Morning, I like to introduce my self. My name is Agus and I am the manager of this library. And this is my assistant Emi.”
Emi: “Good Morning, my name is Emi. I am Agus’s assistant. I help people to find books they can not locate in this library.”
Agus: “Yes, if you have any questions about anything in this library, please feel free to ask any of us and we will be glad to assist you.”
Emi: “Our library consist of three floors, the first floor are for books in Bahasa Indonesia and mostly non-fiction type of books, the second floor are for fiction type of books including children books. And on the third floor we have all books in English language. Feel free to read around”.
Agus: “This library has been a place for people to learn. There is so much knowledge in this library that will make you smart. I encourage any of you to spend as much time to read anything that interest you if you want to succeed in life.”
2. Sebuah dialog dengan tema Perpustakaan Nasional tentang 'Describing Things'.
Budi: “Hey Tuti, do you know there is a new library near our school just opened last week?”
Tuti: “Oh really? No, I havn’t heard.”
Budi: “Doni and I went there yesterday. Apparently, that is a Perpustakaan Nasional and it is a big library. The place is cool, full of new and interesting books. The library has three floors connected with an elevator. They even have comfortable sofas where you can sit and relax reading all kinds of books. They also have many staffs to help us looking for books we can not find. They are very kind. The library is very clean as well. You should go if you have a change.”
Tuti: “Wow, that sounds very interesting. I will go tomorrow after school. Thanks for the info”.
Budi: “Ok, have fun tomorrow”.
Sebuah dialog dengan tema Perpustakaan Nasional tentang 'Asking and Giving Advice and opinion'.
Udin: “Hey Joko, can you show me how can I go to the new Perpustakaan Nasional?”
Rudi: “Sure, I think, you better take a train to get there because it will take 3 hours if you go by bus as you will face a nasty traffic jam on the way there. So, I think going there by train is the best”.
Udin: “Oh ok, I will take train then. Thank you for your advice”.
Rudi: “Sure, no problem. Have fun to the Perpustakaan Nasional!”.
Dialog merupakan sebuah teks kutipan pembicaraan langsung antara dua belah pihak atau lebih yang saling berinteraksi dan berdiskusi mengenai sesuatu topik pembicaraan. Dialog pada umumnya menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari dan bersifat informal. Dialog biasanya ditulis menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
Sebuah teks dialog memiliki cici-ciri sebagai berikut:
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