Napisac krótka notatke. ..W czasie pobytu w szkole jezykowej w oxfordzie dzielisz pokoj z kolega z niemiec w ciagu dnia nie zdarzyliscie omowic planow na wieczor . w notatce dla niego napisz ze: *spotkales kolezanke z waszej grupy *wybieracie sie razem na spacer *po spcerze na kolacje do pabu *zapraszasz go bu poszedł z wami.
Krótkie zaproszenie na miedzy narodowym obozie jezyka angielskiegio chcesz zorganizowac wieczor z kuchnia polska napisz zaproszenie dla uczestnikow obozu *okres gdzie i kiedy odbedzie sie deguststcja *przedstaw jakie potrway zostana podane *zaznacz jakich dodatkowych atrakcji mozna sie spodziewac *popros o potwierdzenieuczestnika w degustatcji/.
Hi! I have just meet Sara,she is from our group.We haven't talk about ours plans for evening. Sara want to go for a walk with us and then for a beer to some pub. Maybe You want to go with us? That will be great.
Hi everyone! I want to invite You for a evening with polish kitchen! It will be on a friday evening, 13th July 2010.I will cook by myself :) potatos with meat, salat, deser and polish soup of course. There will be a contest...Person who eat the most of my specials will have a present!~Please let me know if You come. SEE YA !
I have just meet Sara,she is from our group.We haven't talk about ours plans for evening. Sara want to go for a walk with us and then for a beer to some pub. Maybe You want to go with us? That will be great.
Hi everyone! I want to invite You for a evening with polish kitchen!
It will be on a friday evening, 13th July 2010.I will cook by myself :) potatos with meat, salat, deser and polish soup of course. There will be a contest...Person who eat the most of my specials will have a present!~Please let me know if You come. SEE YA !