1) Match the two halves of the following conditional sentences:
1. If you need to make a phone call, 2. If you tidied your desk, 3. If you didn't complain so much, 4. Unless you've made other plans, 5. If there was an emergency, 6. As long as you still love me, 7. If I knew what the answer was, 8. Provided you've done your best, 9. If I told you a secret, 10. In case there's an urgent message,
a. people would be more sympathetic, b. I'll leave a number I can be contacted on, c. everyone will be satisfied d. why would I be asking you? e. you might actually be able to find things. f. would you keep it to yourself? g. please keep it short. h. I'd like you to have dinner with me. i. I wouldn't have a clue what to do. j. nothing else matters.
2. Some of "the rules" you may remember about conditionals are not the whole picture. Cross out the word always in each rule and answer the questions.
I. [In conditional sentences, the conditional clause always starts with if]. Find four other conditional links in the examples above. _____ _____ _____ _____
II. In type I conditionals, the verb in the main clause is always will and... Find 2 other verb forms in the examples. ____ ____
III. ... the verb in the conditional clause is always the simple present. Find 2 other verb forms in the examples. ____ ____ Notice that these tenses are both ways of referring to present time.