April 2022 1 3 Report
Zad.1) Uzupełnij zdania, używając właściwej fomy konstrukcji wyrażających przyszłość:
czasu Present Continuous, Present Simple, wyrażenia 'be going to', czasownika 'will' lub czasownika 'may"
w zależności od prawdopodobieństwa zdarzenia wynikającego z kontekstu zdania.
Przykład: David is going to build (build) a house in town. He doesn't want to live in the big city like Warsaw
1 Stop texting me or I
(tell) your girlfriend about it.

2 Next weekend we
(watch) a film in the 'Big Cinema'. We've just bought tickets

3 The sun is shining It

4 I'm sure Freddie
(like) my surprise for him.

5 My mum's bus
(arrive) at 6:15 pm. We have some time.

6 I feel sick I don't know if man be at the party tomorrow. I
(come) or not Fifty fifty.

I(do) karate soon. I've had this plan for two weeks.

8 Tom can't visit you this evening. He
(cook) pasta with me. He's promised

9 Mark and Anna
(have) a baby soon. They talked about it last weekend

10 My plane
(take off) this afternoon. I must pack up first.​

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