Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu 3, 4 i 5 Do zadania 3 jest tekst i obrazek
ewkamarshallZad.3. the camera (aparat) - £450,32 the laptop (laptop) - £3,57 the mirror (lustro) - £95,67 the telephone (telefon) - £0,43 the painting (obraz) - £999,99 the DVD (płyta DVD) - £3,75 the radio (radio) £12,57 the TV (telewizor) - £13,43
the camera (aparat) - £450,32
the laptop (laptop) - £3,57
the mirror (lustro) - £95,67
the telephone (telefon) - £0,43
the painting (obraz) - £999,99
the DVD (płyta DVD) - £3,75
the radio (radio) £12,57
the TV (telewizor) - £13,43
2. Wow! That's cheap!
3. Wow! That's expensive!
4. Wow! That's expensive!
5. Wow! That's cheap!
6. Wow! That's cheap!
2. much
3. pence
4. I'd
5. That's
6. are
7. Would
8. thanks