Na obrazie jest umieszczona postać Jezusa a wraz z nim znaki, które chce przekazać ludziom wierzącym w niego.Jest to obraz , który wisi w niejednym kościele polskim.Jego lewa ręka wskazuje przebite jego serce, a prawa ręka wzniesiona w geście błogosławieństwa.Ukazany jest tu chrystus promieniujący światłem, rozświetlający ciemności grzechu.Niebiski promień oznacza wodę, która usprawiedliwia duszę.Czerwony promień oznacza krew, która jest życiem duszy.Podpis tego obrazu " Jezu ufam tobie" wzywa człowieka do zanurzenia się w miłosierdziu Bożym.
There is a put figure of the Jesus in a picture and with it to hand signs which he wants over to people believing in it. It is image which is hanging at more than one Polish church. The left hand is appointing him pierced his heart, but the right-hand man raised in a gesture of benediction. He is portrayed here chrystus sin radiating light, brightening darkness up. Blue is marking the radius I am strangling water which is justifying. The red radius means blood which is living for the soul. Signature of this image "Jesus I trust you" is calling the man to the dive in the God's mercy.
There is a put figure of the Jesus in a picture and with it to hand signs which he wants over to people believing in it. It is image which is hanging at more than one Polish church. The left hand is appointing him pierced his heart, but the right-hand man raised in a gesture of benediction. He is portrayed here chrystus sin radiating light, brightening darkness up. Blue is marking the radius I am strangling water which is justifying. The red radius means blood which is living for the soul. Signature of this image "Jesus I trust you" is calling the man to the dive in the God's mercy.