PILNE NA JUTRO ! Proszę o przetłumaczenie na J. angielski Szanowny Panie,
W odpowiedzi na ofertę pracy, zamieszczoną w gazecie chciałbym zaproponować swoją kandydaturę na stanowisko młodszy Specjalista od - Informatyki.
Niedawno otrzymałem tytuł inż. Informatyki. W czasie nauki odbyłem dwu miesięczne praktyki zawodowe w autoryzowanym serwisie Volkswagena, zajmowałem się tam diagnostyką komputerową pojazdów.
Zdobyta wiedza podczas studiów w połączeniu z praktykami pozwoliły mi podnieść swoje kwalifikacje. Bardzo dobrze sprawdzam się w powierzonych mi zadaniach indywidualnych, jestem osobą odpowiedzialną i komunikatywną.
Chętnie umówię się na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną w celu lepszej prezentacji mojej kandydatury.
I am responding to your newspaper job offer and would like to be considered for the position of a junior specialist in computer science.
I am a recent engineering graduate in this field. During my studies I completed practical training at the authorized Volksvagen service where I focused on computer diagnostics of vehicles.
My university knowledge combined with practical experience allowed me to improve my qualifications. I eexcell in any given task. I am responsible and get along well in a team environment.
I would welcome an opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you in person.
In response to an offer of employment set out in the paper would like to propose a candidate forthe position of junior specialist -Informatics.
I recently received the title of Engineer. Informatics. During the study I hadtwo-month apprenticeship at an authorized service Volkswagen,I dealt with there vehicle computer diagnostics.
Knowledge acquired during their studies in conjunction with the practices allowedI upgrade their skills. Very well suited for entrusted to meindividual tasks, I am a responsible and communicative.
We are happy to arrange for an interview in order to betterpresenting my candidacy. Sincerely, xyz
I am responding to your newspaper job offer and would like to be considered for
the position of a junior specialist in computer science.
I am a recent engineering graduate in this field. During my studies I completed practical training at the authorized Volksvagen service where I focused on computer diagnostics of vehicles.
My university knowledge combined with practical experience allowed me to improve my qualifications. I eexcell in any given task. I am responsible and get along well in a team environment.
I would welcome an opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you in person.
In response to an offer of employment set out in the paper would like to propose a candidate forthe position of junior specialist -Informatics.
I recently received the title of Engineer. Informatics. During the study I hadtwo-month apprenticeship at an authorized service Volkswagen,I dealt with there vehicle computer diagnostics.
Knowledge acquired during their studies in conjunction with the practices allowedI upgrade their skills. Very well suited for entrusted to meindividual tasks, I am a responsible and communicative.
We are happy to arrange for an interview in order to betterpresenting my candidacy.