Opisz zawód listonosza po angielsku w 10 zdaniach :)
Postman - an employee of a post office serving the recipients list, telegrams, messages, and other consignments, postal deliverer.
Postmen - this applies above all the postmen in rural areas - also take to make the list, and Postal. Frequently deal with the sale of postcards, stamps and other goods on offer of the Polish Post
Postmen are strictly designated areas they serve. Due to the vastness of the area and the amount of correspondence, they may serve your area by foot, bicycle, moped or car
A tak po polsku: :)
Listonosz – pracownik urzędu pocztowego doręczający adresatom listy, telegramy, przekazy, i inne przesyłki; doręczyciel pocztowy.
Listonosze - dotyczy to przede wszystkim listonoszy na terenach wiejskich - przyjmują także do nadania listy i przekazy pocztowe. Często zajmują się również sprzedażą kartek pocztowych, znaczków i innych towarów znajdujących się w ofercie Poczty Polskiej
Listonosze mają ściśle wyznaczone rejony, które obsługują. Ze względu na rozległość rejonu i ilość korespondencji, mogą obsługiwać swój rejon pieszo, rowerem, motorowerem lub samochodem myslę że jest ok:)
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The postman – the of post office delivering the addressees the letters the, telegrams, the money transfers worker, and different mails; post deliverer.
Postmen - this concerns first of all postmen on country terrains - letters accept to conferment also and post money transfers. They deal with also often the sale of post leaves, marks and different being in offer of Polish Post office goods
Postmen have appointed regions closely, which serve. With regard on vastness of region and the quantity of correspondence they, can serve their region on foot, the bicycle, moped or the car ( the autorejon).
Postman's work consists with several stages. The approaching to work postman chooses from pigeon - hole of list usual, however the registered letters (written previously on card the deliveries), the mail the pobraniowe, mail listowo - valuable it receives with dispatch ( the of post office interesting section the taking the root, working out, division and the publication the mails the deliverers) for receipt, it proceeds with money transfers similarly - tzw. for what receives in cash desk of office the cash the the power supply. It on one's position distributes correspondence according to order delivery then. Postman's bag can weigh 17 kg maximally, therefore contact cases in postman's district are. They are this post, blue placed in different places cases. To these the cases the postman does the tzw. of package, that is the gathering of lists and the mails which the post courier has to take to indicated contact case with car from which the postman takes out the mail the aim of delivery then. After return at post office the postman squares up with given, letters registered money transfers, notifications and the packages, filling and giving to checking then and the signature the card of deliveries, przekazową card as well as the book of deliveries. Postman's work, with pretence pleasant and easy it is in difficult reality and responsible. Arrangement of a few hundred letters daily according to order the delivery which are mistakenly addressed often, as well as the delivering except of mails registered usual letters, money transfers, subscriptions of newspapers, as well as it requires the advertising addressless printings the large concentrating, shape and the good memory. To this often bad atmospheric conditions cause, that work this is different than image has about her men's majority.
Postmen - this applies above all the postmen in rural areas - also take to make the list, and Postal. Frequently deal with the sale of postcards, stamps and other goods on offer of the Polish Post
Postmen are strictly designated areas they serve. Due to the vastness of the area and the amount of correspondence, they may serve your area by foot, bicycle, moped or car
A tak po polsku: :)
Listonosz – pracownik urzędu pocztowego doręczający adresatom listy, telegramy, przekazy, i inne przesyłki; doręczyciel pocztowy.
Listonosze - dotyczy to przede wszystkim listonoszy na terenach wiejskich - przyjmują także do nadania listy i przekazy pocztowe. Często zajmują się również sprzedażą kartek pocztowych, znaczków i innych towarów znajdujących się w ofercie Poczty Polskiej
Listonosze mają ściśle wyznaczone rejony, które obsługują. Ze względu na rozległość rejonu i ilość korespondencji, mogą obsługiwać swój rejon pieszo, rowerem, motorowerem lub samochodem
myslę że jest ok:)
Postmen - this concerns first of all postmen on country terrains - letters accept to conferment also and post money transfers. They deal with also often the sale of post leaves, marks and different being in offer of Polish Post office goods
Postmen have appointed regions closely, which serve. With regard on vastness of region and the quantity of correspondence they, can serve their region on foot, the bicycle, moped or the car ( the autorejon).
Postman's work consists with several stages. The approaching to work postman chooses from pigeon - hole of list usual, however the registered letters (written previously on card the deliveries), the mail the pobraniowe, mail listowo - valuable it receives with dispatch ( the of post office interesting section the taking the root, working out, division and the publication the mails the deliverers) for receipt, it proceeds with money transfers similarly - tzw. for what receives in cash desk of office the cash the the power supply. It on one's position distributes correspondence according to order delivery then. Postman's bag can weigh 17 kg maximally, therefore contact cases in postman's district are. They are this post, blue placed in different places cases. To these the cases the postman does the tzw. of package, that is the gathering of lists and the mails which the post courier has to take to indicated contact case with car from which the postman takes out the mail the aim of delivery then. After return at post office the postman squares up with given, letters registered money transfers, notifications and the packages, filling and giving to checking then and the signature the card of deliveries, przekazową card as well as the book of deliveries. Postman's work, with pretence pleasant and easy it is in difficult reality and responsible. Arrangement of a few hundred letters daily according to order the delivery which are mistakenly addressed often, as well as the delivering except of mails registered usual letters, money transfers, subscriptions of newspapers, as well as it requires the advertising addressless printings the large concentrating, shape and the good memory. To this often bad atmospheric conditions cause, that work this is different than image has about her men's majority.