Napisz podanie o prace po angielsku list formalny przeczytałeś ogłoszenie o możliwości pracy w organizacji charytatywnej jako wolontariusz: - przedstaw swoją kandydaturę i napisz o swoich doświadczeniach z dotychczasowej pracy w wolontariacie - dowiedz się na czym będzie polegać twoja praca i ile czasu wolnego będziesz miał - zapytaj o możliwość zakwaterowania i dowiedz się kto pokrywa koszty dojazdu - poinformuj kiedy możesz przyjechać i wyraź nadzieję na zaakceptowanie twojej kandydatury.
Joanna Wisniewska ul. beautiful 17 40-404 Rzeszow Tel: 606-777-XXX "Adriatic" ul. The bright 28 Application for Employment
I would like to ask me for employment in the company "Adriatic" as a secretary. This post is in line with my qualifications and rounds out my interests. During school I had a practice that allowed me to acquire the necessary knowledge in this profession. Very well mastered computer service and OpenOffice. I am a communicative person with a cheerful disposition. Please accept my application for employment. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the possibility of my employment. Please contact us. Joanna Wisniewska Attachments: First Curriculum Vitae Second The individual
Joanna Wisniewska
ul. beautiful 17
40-404 Rzeszow
Tel: 606-777-XXX
ul. The bright 28
Application for Employment
I would like to ask me for employment in the company "Adriatic" as a secretary. This post is in line with my qualifications and rounds out my interests. During school I had a practice that allowed me to acquire the necessary knowledge in this profession.
Very well mastered computer service and OpenOffice. I am a communicative person with a cheerful disposition.
Please accept my application for employment. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the possibility of my employment.
Please contact us.
Joanna Wisniewska
First Curriculum Vitae
Second The individual